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Official release for “The Fluff of Happiness”

Posted on Mar 10, 2022

A small and magical word, which includes a great dose of gratitude, is “Thank you.” Gratitude nourishes our souls and has been shown to be directly related to happiness. N-O lived at the edge of the solar system, on a small planet with the strangest, most beautiful sky! The sky was illuminated by thousands of bright Fluffs; small, fluffy celestial bodies shining from afar. People said that, if you caught them, you would find out that they were very soft and brought real happiness. Oh, how much N-O loved Fluffs! What a pity that they were so very far away… Then, one day, a Fluff fell just beyond N-O’s house! How happy he was! His wishes had come true! A Fluff of his own! But did Fluff make N-O happy? What is happiness, after all?

A story that comes to show children the power of gratitude. Gratitude nourishes the soul and is directly linked to happiness. It is a tool and a skill we can use to live in the present, feel more content in the present and look optimistically to the future. If we cultivate this way of thinking in children from an early age, we help them to become happier adults. Education in the value of gratitude is education in optimism. There are always challenges, blockages and complications, but how we deal with the difficulties that may arise is the true test of mental resilience.

The book additionally includes tips for parents, teachers, health professionals and Gratitude exercises from educator Georgia Solomou.

“It is not happiness that makes us grateful,  but gratitude that makes us happy.” David Steindl-Rast

International Rights upon request from Ersilia Literary Agency.
